There is a BUG for the macOS version of Scilab 6.1; After installation and restart you get the error: *** CelestLab is not available for this version of Scilab (Scilab 6.1.0 or less required) This because Scilab 6.1 for macOS returns 611 (6.1.1) of CL__scilabVersion() but celestlab.start doesn't except numbers greater than 610. -------- WORKAROUND FOR USERS 1) Install celestlab via Atoms 2) Go to Mac's Finder and open the Application folder 3) Search for the Scilab-branch-6.1 app bundle 4) Right click (control-click) on it and click "Show Package Contents" 5) Go to folder "Contents/MacOS/share/scilab/contrib/celestlab/3.4.0/etc" 6) Open file celestlab.start in a texteditor (e.g. TextEdit) and go to line 27 7) Change if (vnum > 610) to if (vnum >= 620) 8) Save celestlab.start 9) Restart Scilab 10) Done